Let's be real. We can not erase all of the product's errors because perfection comes only after years of experimentation. However, we can get rid of those made before you and some of yours as well, making your life after the product's launch that much easier.
Our vision
In this step, you will find a lot in common with UI / UX design. We borrowed the basic steps for digital design, because some of our clients don't have a developed corporate identity.
6 hours
Work starts with a series of deep questions that help us understand you company better. What drives you? Who are your ideal customers? What will they get from contacting you? What is the emotion you want them to feel? Where do we communicate?
Pour yourself a cup of coffee, because it's going to be a long conversation!
Сompetitor analysis
8 hours
We have to differ from our competitors, especially from the market leader. If we don't, our marketing will only enforce their more popular brand. To avoid this, our first step is to conduct a research that analyzes the appearance of our competitors: in other words, it shows us how not to look.
There was a research in Stanford. Scientists created a black soft drink and put a black-and-red label with a white text on it. Then they shot an ad, where the drink was being poured into a glass with ice cubes. Nine viewers out of ten were sure to have seen Coca-Cola, although the drink itself had nothing to do with this brand.
Metaphor and reference concepts
16 hours
Our design is always based on the idea, so all visuals decisions are its manifestations and not just meaningless tricks. We choose a metaphor that reveals your brand and makes your identity clear for your customers.
The next step is finding examples. We find examples that can help us express the metaphors; these examples are called Reference Concepts. Each of the concepts manifests our understanding of composition, typography, color scheme and appearance. The only thing left for you to do is to pick the best direction in which to continue.
Design Stage
Identity concept creation
80 hours
At this stage we give our vision a tangible form. We create logo, brand graphics, typography system and the main stylistic device. We try out the style on the client's main carriers. For instance, it can be a package for a physical product or promo materials for a shop.
Design all carriers
40 hours
When the conceptual part is finished, we can move forward and consistently design all of the remaining style carriers. It applies to everything from Facebook to a gift mug. This way the campaign starts to send the same message in all of the communication channels.
40 hours
When identity is ready you need to make sure that it will be used in a right way. For that we create Guideline - the instrument that clarify all the issues about using logo, colours and all the graphic features in a right way. Such document helps to avoid mistakes in usage your identity while creating new types of carriers.
Design engineering and support
1-5 hours
We want the idea to come alive with minimum losses, so we try to accompany our client in everything. It includes preparing guidelines and a style guide, generating templates for print, upgrades, localization, quality control and authorship supervision. In short, we want to be both a driving force and a protector of your brand identity.
Remember that satisfaction, which comes with high quality, lasts longer then joy of finding a low price service. If you feel it's your kind of a deal, don't hesitate to contact us
Remember that satisfaction, which comes with high quality, lasts longer then joy of finding a low price service. If you feel it's your kind of a deal, don't hesitate to contact us